Bootcamp Bringing Businesses & Experts Together
The march forward with Bootcamp Round 1 is continuing at breakneck pace! Our industry experts are hard at work helping our participants to know what they don’t know, and make plans to get their products retail ready 🛒
The cohort is full of wonderful people with innovative ideas, and their positivity is contagious! Here’s some of the lovely feedback we’ve received about the program this week.
The extremely experienced Seedlab team together with the cohort of others with similar challenges and issues has been invaluable. The anecdotes and actual examples from experience has been great. I’ve picked up little nuggets and filled in gaps for things that I’d missed previously.
And it’s been a great framework for bringing everything together. It’s a little on the intense side in terms of pace (especially in lockdown with a toddler in tow) – but I certainly appreciate the efficiency – it’s like a well oiled machine 😊
– Christina | Altina Drinks
Being part of Bootcamp has been reassuring, eye-opening, thought provoking, humbling and scary, all at the same time!!! It has put a new definition to “retail ready” for me and definitely likely to have helped me avoid some potentially embarrassing “uh oh” moments going forward!
The Seedlab team’s openness and generosity in sharing their experience and knowledge in a supportive yet candid way has been instrumental to the value of the program for myself and no doubt other participants. It is fantastic how much content we have covered in such a short period!
– Jilly | Busy Beef
We are finding all the workshops very informative and a great help. This course is making us plan and document what is needed for our business to achieve greater success. We are finally getting details out of our heads and onto paper. It’s really great – thank you!
– Carly | Walnutter
We are very grateful for being chosen and having the opportunity to take part on this learning journey with this group of amazing people and their businesses. It is really hard to travel this journey alone and having the support from other people in the same situation is really inspiring.
Although we consider our product to be retail ready as it is already available in major retail stores in SA and more than 100 shops around AUS and NZ, we are always looking for ways to improve what we are doing and we have certainly learnt and gained new insights with every new Module so far.
We really appreciate the time you and the Seedlab team are taking to share your knowledge and help us through this process to become a successful business.
– Adriano | BRZ Food
Get Involved
Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.
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