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More Feedback from Bootcamp Round 1

It’s the perfect time for reflection now that Bootcamp Round 1 has finished, so we reached out to some of the participants for final feedback about their experience with the program.

Here’s what they had to say.

What were your business A-Ha Moments?

Ive always wanted to know “where to start” when approaching a larger organisation. We’ve only just scaled up, and that’s just to serve our own existing demand.

To add thought and vision to the pipeline and knowing what we need to do in order to validate further scaling up was good. Also being forced to sit back and deep dive into my business, versus running as fast as possible to keep up with the day to day grind.

– Jason | Crowley’s Hot Sauce

What would you say to other business owners thinking about participating in Bootcamp in the future?

The knowledge and advice is invaluable. Definitely worth participating in if you are at the beginning of your journey and want to make sure you’re doing things right. 

– John | Akkary Fine Foods

How do you think participating in Bootcamp will benefit you and your business?

It challenges me to think more critically about things. Rather than accepting my research or the advice of someone else too soon I’m now inclined to further investigate when it is required.

– Wayne | Valley Vanilla

How would you summarise Bootcamp?

The Seedlab Australia team have created the best food and beverage Bootcamp I have been able to participate in when it comes to retail supply readiness.

The short and intense programme gives you access to Industry experts to assist in identifying gaps that you can address to give your business the best chance of success for supplying to retailers.

If this is Bootcamp I can only imagine what the value of Cultivate would be to your business. Thank you for the opportunity to participate. 

– Kym | East Forged

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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