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From Our Brilliant Bootcamp Businesses

Brilliance is the bread & butter of our Bootcamp Round 1 businesses! We’re thrilled to see the bonds forming within the group and between the businesses and our team. The energy in our 90 minute live discussions has been phenomenal!

Seedlab has been a great experience for me since I’m new to the FMCG industry. While I’ve dedicated countless hours over the past year to learning and talking to people in the industry, the moderators have provided me with an extra wealth of knowledge. The exercises are challenging and make you dig deeper into your business, and will have you answer tough questions that you’ve likely not thought about. Your classmates, from those with ideas to those with scale-ups, have contributed to the learning experience, and it’s been a great networking opportunity, too.

– Jose | HOPR

Being selected for Seedlab was indeed exciting and our fledgling business was ready for some ‘expert’ influence.  Almost immediately, two things became clear.  1.  The wealth of completely relevant business experience was inspiring, and 2.  We’ve been operating under the ‘you don’t know what you don’t know’ philosophy for quite some time.  Within two weeks we’ve evolved our thinking based on the exceptional content and already see our business in a completely different light.  Implementing some of the suggestions has already seen a marked improvement in output, relationships and outcomes.  We cannot wait to see what the future brings. 

– Stu & Tas | Tea Trees Ecoware

I think it is an extremely well run course.  For those starting out on their journey to supplying a major retailer, I think the advice is totally realistic and 100% spot on.  It is informative and supportive and leads/guides you through the process of being retail ready.  I consider Daily Good to be retail ready as already available and sold with major retail in NZ,  and also one of our other brands (Good Cocktail Co is just launching this week in 500 Woolies stores) but i have enjoyed all the modules so far and I have learnt something new in each one. Big thanks to Woolworths for an awesome initiative and to Seedlab for the professional delivery and a huge thanks for letting a Kiwi in!

– Rhona | Daily Good

We have learned a lot through trial and error, but going through the Seedlab process so far has helped us get clear on what it really takes to run a business that is successful in retail. It has helped us make a decision to brand our retail items separately (we are going with Plant Providore for our retail products).  It is tough fitting the extra workload on top of the work you already do in running your business, so it isn’t for everyone. But, if you are prepared to go the extra mile you will be supported and rewarded with such valuable insight and knowledge on how to break into a competitive retail environment. 

– Amanda | Herbidoor

Get Involved

Bootcamp Round #11 applications close Friday 17th January 5pm AEDT, so don’t hesitate. Get your applications in now.

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